動畫、聲音互動裝置 / 壓克力、馬達、智慧型燈光、感測器
80cmX80cmX100cm, 2014
The first thing that infants recognize is the faces of their parents, from the blur image progresses slowly to the clear stage, and the expression of face constructs emotion cognition. In today’s medium, emojis become easy-to-understand messages, crossing the gap between words. The original complicated and abstract emotions are simplified as images, constructing the meaning by the imagination of community friends.

Light and sound occupied most of the perception, and the simultaneous appearance of them has become a basic configuration of film and audio. In the past, light continued to evolve from the function of lightning to the ambient atmosphere, creating emotional atmosphere. The light played a active role in presentation, and the accompanying sound was the extension and strengthening of the visual and auditory senses. At the same time, sound and light are the tools for transmitting messages.
This work is trying to break the concept of sound and light, and designs light and sound into a way of talking to each other. Light interacts with viewers or ambient voice in a colorful way, as the sound receives, immediately gives feedback in a light way. The viewer talks to a winking character who was a little unanswered with the color of light, representing the state of contemporary communication.