
實體影像投影裝置 / 3D列印、動畫、投影機、喇叭

2’00”, 2014

全球推動的 Fablab 工廠與 maker 的風潮正在「改善」我們的未來,而 3D 列印是其中的必要設備,最終目標是人人可以列印自己的需求品,降低過度生產與運輸等問題。但當我拜訪 3D 列印廠商時驚訝測試列印的廢棄物堆積等待丟棄,這些廢棄材料都是無法分解的塑膠。我無力阻止趨勢的演進,想藉由創作提醒完美科技的副作用,以及我們可以面對的方式。

The global push for Fablab plant and maker is “improving” our future, and 3D printing is an essential part of that, with the ultimate goal of getting everyone to print what they need and reducing overproduction and transportation problems. However, when I visited the 3D printers, I was surprised by the piled waste of print testing, which are all plastic that cannot be decomposed. I‘m not capable of stopping the trend from evolving, but I want remind people of the side effects of perfect technology and the ways we can face it through this work.

我將原本是要被丟棄的 3D 列印物件,以投影動畫方式再現角色生活化的一面,賦予廢物利用的反思。前一分鐘看似隨意拼湊的物件散落在牆面上,伴隨著印表機來回列印的機器噪音,象徵非生命的製造過程,一分鐘後投影在這些物件上的輪廓動畫,出現一個個的角色伴隨著互相交談的聲音,非生命的物件變成人物與動物的聚會而活化過來。前後一分鐘的切換過程提供反差對比,我們需要科技與創意來形塑人文設計,但我們也必須面對不斷產生的實體物件充斥環境中,回收利用的轉念是本作品想傳達的議題。

I reproduce the character’s life side in a projected animation of what was meant to be discarded 3D print objects, giving a reflection on waste utilization. The first minute of seemingly random patchwork was scattered around the wall accompanied with the machine noise printed back and forth with the printer, symbolizing the non-living manufacturing process. The images projected on the objects are animated a minute later, the characters appearing to be activated with talking voices, non-living objects turned into alive. The one-minute switching scene provides a contrast: we need technology and creativity to shape humanistic design, but we also have to face the ever-emerging physical objects in the environment. The thought of recycling is the subject of this work.