
立體雕塑/ 3D列印

200cm X 160cm X 90cm, 2019

民間宗教信仰神通常具有形體,由藝陣表演者來扮演,遶境遊行達成驅邪避凶的目的,也兼具娛樂鄉親到效果,本創作把 20 位 3D 建構的角色透過 3D 列印出白身,分別是八家將、七爺八爺、白鶴陣與三姑六婆,上身有雙重意涵,一是等待著觀眾的想像賦予白身完整形象,二是材料本身並無意義,唯有神像能賦予象徵代表。

Gods usually have human form in folk beliefs, and are played by Art Array performers in parades so as to pursue good fortune, avoid disasters and entertain the folks. This work includes twenty 3D-printed characters, which are “The Eight Police Officers”, “the Seventh Lord and the Eighth Lord”, “White-Crane Battle Array” and “Walking on stilts formation”. “Possess” has a double meaning, on the one hand, the imagination of audiences endows “white body” a complete image. On the other hand, the material itself doesn’t have any meaning, only the image of God can give meaning to it.

模型的建構上參考林智信先生版畫的造型比例。從精神面來看,這些純白材質雕塑更純粹與接近神性,從西方的宗教觀點白色也更接近神的色彩,雖然與東方信仰色彩濃厚成對比,但也反映我在兩個宗教間求取平衡。當 20 位藝陣表演者構成遊行的結構畫面表現出群體的雕塑性,觀者很難欣賞某位角色而不被周圍角色所影響,而且彼此些互相呼應與加持,彷彿對光與影的共感,對角色身上多面造型的簡化趣味而聯想,如同手工般的切削,數位機器的應用與刻意設計,讓本作品的輸出更具人氣與神韻。

The construction of the models refers to the prints of Lin Chih-Hsin. The white models are pure and sacred mentally, contrasting strikingly with belief of the East, but also my effort to strike a balance between different religion. When twenty performers show in the parades simultaneously, it’s hard for views to focus on one character without distracted by others. Views’ imaginations against the simple design of the models, the fusion of hand-made-like sculpture and application of digital machine, making the artwork more lively and charming.