AR互動裝置 / 蛋糕盒、壓克力顏料、3D動畫、手機
50cm X 50cm X 100cm, 2014
據考據小確幸一詞來自村上春樹 1996 年的插畫散文集「尋找漩渦貓的方法」,指的是小而確實的幸福感。這個詞在今日社交網絡的分享中引起廣泛的共感,甚至引起價值觀的激辯。村上春樹提及小確幸的體驗需要依循某些「個人規範」,例如在寒冷的季節遠眺富士山是村上春樹的小確幸,山與季節並未有所改變,而是他將在寒冬欣賞美景規範成幸福感,人若離開這種小確幸,如書中結尾所稱,人生只不過是乾巴巴的沙漠而已。
Haruki Murakami’s 1996 collection of illustrated essays, “A Way to Find a Whirlpool Cat”, refers to a tiny but true sense of happiness called “Kokuyuki”. The term aroused a broad sense of communion in social networks, ans even debate on values. Haruki Murakami mentioned that “Kokuyuki” needs to follow certain “personal norms”. For example, overlooking Mount Fuji in the cold season is a small blessing for him, it’s because he enjoys the scenery in the winter and makes it a standard of happiness.

I think there are two states of “Kokuyuki”, entity and virtual. In state of the entity, the sense of happiness in our lives conforms to the norms. The second is that we share the physical state through the network, forming a virtual state of luck when friends thumb up and give feedbacks. So I want to make the viewer feel happy through virtual and real integration. When the viewer watches the cake box, can read the first meaning. Then pick up the cell phone to the cake box, a carousel or coffee cup animation shows at the top of the cake box on the screen, forming the technology sharing “Kokuyuki”.