擴增實境 / 牆面輸出、平板電腦
250cm X 800cm, 2019
本作品在長 8 公尺的輸出牆面上放置蜿蜒的遊行隊伍,有 9 個點是隱藏熱點,須藉由平板或手機的觀看才能顯現出影像,如同我們利用鏡頭去搜尋、捕捉遶境遊行的精彩畫面,這 9 個熱點分別為跳鼓花、白鶴陣、三姑六婆踩高蹺、西遊記、舞龍陣、麒麟陣、宋江獅陣、媽祖鑾輿圖、延平郡王攻台炮船。
Putting a winding parade on a 8-meter-long wall, there are 9 hot spots hides in this work, which needs to be watched by mobile devices, just like we use cameras to search and capture the highlights of pilgrimages. The spots are “parade formation of Tiao-Gu”, “White-Crane Battle Array”, “Walking on stilts formation”, “The Journey to The West”, “Dragon Dance”, “Unicorn Array”, “Songjiong Troupe”, “Map of Mazu Pilgrimage” and “Koxinga attacked the gunboats” respectively.
採用 AR 的原因在於觀眾的參與讓遊行熱鬧起來,透過現場設置的5座展台上的平板電腦,鏡頭一直是開著的狀態,觀眾可以隨意拿起來對著牆面上輸出,掃描到熱點後動畫立即播出並帶有聲音,越多的民眾參與就能同時在平板上出現不同藝陣隊伍,形成整隊出發的虛與實、靜與動的交互畫面。
The reason for choosing AR is that the participation of the audiences makes the parade lively. Through the tablet computers on the 5 booths whose lenses are always on, visitors could pick it up and hold it against the output on the wall. Once scanning to the hot spots, the animation airs immediately. The more audiences participate in, the more types of parades show on tablets, forming scenes of virtual and real, static and dynamic.