擺陣|Arrange Troops
影片播放 / 3D動畫
5″18″, 2019
藝陣隊伍在遊行時通常是邊行進邊表演,在受限的空間與時間上通常是簡短的陣勢表演,且不斷的重複,擺陣把表演著的相關位置與角色表達出來,本作品以 3D 動畫呈現出版畫材質,不但以動畫形式表現四組藝陣的表現形式,也回應老畫家想把版畫動起來的心願,本作品除了利用動畫技術讓版畫賦予生命外,也以新的視覺語言詮釋傳統藝術文化以當代流行媒體傳播的可能性,可貴的是老畫家觀賞過動畫後非常滿意激動,希望能持續創作下去。
Folk parades usually march and perform at the same time. Due to restricted space and time, it is usually a short form, and in constant repetition, the formation expresses the relevant position and character of the performance. This work presents the printmaking material in 3D animation. Not only show four kinds of folk parades in the form of animation, but also in response to the old artist’s desire to make the 2D characters play.

擺陣共有五部動畫,分別是七爺八爺、八家將、白鶴陣、三姑六婆踩高蹺,加上一部於 SIGGRAPH2015 Dailies 單元發表的白鶴陣過程短片。一開始在本動畫製作上即捨棄傳統動畫師調動作的表演方式,而是選擇專業陣頭合作,請他們提供動作,再以數位工具結合動作、模型與材質,加上粒子特效等處理,看似簡單過程卻複雜,我們深入民間接觸陣頭並了解其文化,才能將動畫的生命重新賦予數位化角色。
There are five animations in “Arrange Troops”, namely “The Eight Police Officers”, “the Seventh Lord and the Eighth Lord”, “White-Crane Battle Array” , “Walking on stilts formation”, plus a short film about “White-Crane Battle Array” published in SIGGRAPH 2015 Dailies. At the outset of this animation production, I change the traditional way of adjusting actions. Instead, choose to work with professionally Parade Formation and ask them to provide actions. Using digital tools to combine actions, models, and materials, plus with particle effects and other treatments, the seemingly simple process is complicated. We reach out to people and understand their culture, so as to reassign the life to digitized characters.
Though the animation is finished by computer, the acquisition of materials and the capture of actions are very artificial. Only understanding the essence can have deep emotion to the four works, not technical copying, the creative process becomes the way of explaining the story, from the topic of exploration and then back to the story itself, the story allusions are as follows.