扮神|Dress Up

影片播放 / 錄像

17″6″ 四頻道螢幕, 2019

本作品一開始討論到動作時,我便決定尋找藝陣表演者的動作,透過林承緯教授的介紹,找到民間藝陣代表的高手們,分別扮演八家將、七爺八爺、白鶴陣、三姑六婆,他們有些是退休老人,有些是學生,有些是小朋友,卻是扮神的表演專業者,透過信仰熱情不斷演練,我與他們的接觸雖然短暫卻感到活力十足。這個作品在呈現捕捉的影像與資料,透過 Kinect 攝影機,我們可以同時拍攝動作影像與捕捉動作資料給 3D 模型使用,採用 Kinect 的主要原因不只是攜帶方便,而是這些藝陣表演者表演是為了敬神,不見得願意配合到攝影棚拍攝,為不影響其意願,我們主動攜帶設備到各宮廟去拍攝,無論環境如何吵雜凌亂,敬虔的心不變,努力做好每個伴神的動作。

When we first discussed about actions, I decided to dig into the actions of folk parade performers. Professor Cheng-Wei LIN referred me some experts in folk parades, which are “The Eight Police Officers”, “the Seventh Lord and the Eighth Lord”, “White-Crane Battle Array” and “Walking on stilts formation”. Some of them are retirees, others are students, and still others are kids. I was touched by their passions, although we just had brief encounter. This work is about to present the images and data captured by cameras. By using Kinect camera, we can catch images and collect motion capture data for 3D models at the same time. The reason we chose the Kinect camera was not only its great portability, but also the inclusion of religious factors. The performers work to worship the Gods, so they may not be willing to cooperate with studio shooting. In order not to affect their wishes, we wore the devices to each palace, no matter how messy the environment was.

由於所拍攝捕捉的地點就是藝陣表演者平常練習的巷弄或宮廟前,更能忠實記錄現況與環境,表演者也能以平常心呈現出動作,我的方式對表演者產生最低的干擾。這個錄像作品一共有四部,每部錄像又分成實體錄像與資料錄像,分別是透過攝影機鏡頭與 INECT 鏡頭拍攝,因為考量資料捕捉的精確度,表演者並沒有要求一定著裝道具,實體錄像在呈現扮演角色的身體動作,資料錄像則是在這些動作下的人體骨骼關節動作資料,也可解釋成動作數位化的關節節點資訊,因為這些節點資訊我們得以將資料結合 3D 動畫,製作出栩栩如生的藝陣表演 3D 動畫。

Since the location of the capture is the alley or temple where the performers usually practice, the present and the environment can be recorded faithfully, the performers can also act in a normal manner, and I make the lowest disturbance to them. There are four videos in total, each of which is divided into physical video and data video. They are shot through camera and INECT lens respectively. Consider of the accuracy of data capture, performers do not require to dress certain props. Physical video is about showing the physical action of the character, and the data video is of human skeletal joint movements under their actions. It can also be interpreted as action-digitized joint node information. Because of the node information, we can combine data with 3D animation to produce lifelike folk parade performance 3D animation.